
At Modus Concept Group, we pride ourselves on being a leading private security company, specialising in delivering comprehensive and cutting-edge training programs to our employees and clients in a variety of security-related fields.
Our training courses take place across Europe, Libya, and the United Kingdom, ensuring convenient access and a diverse range of learning environments for our participants.
We are accredited by an internationally recognised body, which attests to the quality, effectiveness, and professionalism of our training programs, making us the ideal choice for individuals and organizations seeking to enhance their security knowledge and skills.
Our highly skilled and experienced instructors employ a dynamic approach to teaching, combining theory and practical exercises to ensure our trainees develop a deep understanding of the subject matter, as well as the ability to apply their newfound skills in real-world situations.
Our curriculum covers a wide array of topics, including physical security, risk management, crisis response, and surveillance, among others. We continuously update and refine our training modules to stay current with the latest industry trends and developments, ensuring that our clients and employees are always one step ahead in the rapidly evolving security landscape.
Choose Modus Concept Group for a superior learning experience that will empower you with the knowledge and expertise to tackle today's most pressing security challenges.

Training Offer


First Aid Training Course

At Modus Concept Group, our comprehensive First Aid Training Course is designed to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to respond effectively to a range of medical emergencies. From basic CPR and wound care to managing severe injuries and illnesses, our certified instructors provide hands-on training in a supportive environment.

The course is suitable for security professionals, first responders, and everyday citizens who wish to be prepared for emergencies. Upon successful completion, participants will receive a First Aid certification, equipping them to handle various medical situations with confidence and competence.

Hostile Environment Training Course

Our Hostile Environment Training Course is designed to prepare individuals for operating in high-risk, challenging, and unpredictable situations. This immersive training program covers essential topics such as situational awareness, threat assessment, risk mitigation, and personal safety strategies.

Participants will engage in practical exercises simulating real-world scenarios, developing crucial skills in conflict management, negotiation, and emergency response. This course is ideal for journalists, aid workers, and security professionals who frequently operate in volatile environments. It provides them with the knowledge and tools needed to stay safe and respond effectively under pressure.

Security Guard Training Course

The Security Guard Training Course at Modus Concept Group offers a comprehensive curriculum to prepare individuals for a successful career in the security industry. Our program covers vital topics, including security principles, patrol techniques, access control, surveillance, and emergency response.

Additionally, we emphasise effective communication, report writing, and customer service skills to ensure professionalism and success in the field. Upon completing the course, participants will be well-equipped to protect property and maintain a safe environment for clients and the public.

Basic Driver Course

Our Basic Driver Course is designed to equip individuals with fundamental driving skills and safe driving habits. This course is perfect for both new drivers and experienced drivers seeking a refresher on key concepts.

Participants will learn essential techniques, such as defensive driving, accident avoidance, and proper vehicle maintenance. The course includes classroom instruction and hands-on practice behind the wheel, ensuring participants gain the practical experience necessary to become responsible and confident drivers

Advanced Driver Course

The Advanced Driver Course at Modus Concept Group takes driving skills to the next level, focusing on advanced techniques for enhanced safety and vehicle control. Designed for security professionals, first responders, and experienced drivers, this course covers high-speed driving, evasive manoeuvres, and pursuit tactics.

Participants will also learn essential skills in vehicle dynamics, skid control, and off-road driving. With a combination of theoretical instruction and practical exercises on our specialised training track, graduates of the Advanced Driver Course will be prepared to handle complex driving situations with precision and confidence.

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