This policy is designed to enable members of staff to raise concerns or disclose information which the individual believes shows malpractice. All organisations face the risk of things going wrong or of unknowingly harbouring malpractice and the company believes it has a duty to identify such situations and take the appropriate measures to remedy the situation.
The Company is committed to the highest standards of openness, probity and accountability and wants to encourage members of staff to raise issues which concern them at work.
This policy sets out arrangements for members of staff to raise serious concerns about malpractice or serious wrongdoing in ways which will protect them from reprisal. By knowing about malpractice at an early stage the company stands a good chance of taking the necessary steps to safeguard the interests of all staff and protect the organisation.
Members of staff aggrieved about their own personal circumstances should use the normal Grievance Procedure. The procedure outlined in this policy should be used only where members of staff have concerns about malpractice within the organisation.
The Company is committed to this policy. If a member of staff raises a genuine concern under this policy, they will not be at risk of losing their job or suffering any form of retribution, victimisation or detriment as a result. Provided they are acting in good faith, it does not matter if they are mistaken. If, however, an investigation shows that an individual has made malicious or vexatious allegations, and particularly if they persist in making them, disciplinary action may be taken against the individual concerned.
The company will treat any disclosure seriously and act according to this policy. Members of staff will not be asked to prove anything and if they ask for a matter to be treated in confidence the company will respect that request. However, the investigation process may reveal the source of the information and the individual making the disclosure may need to provide a statement as part of the evidence required. Members of staff will be given feedback on any investigation and the company will be sensitive to any concerns they may have as a result of any steps taken under this procedure.
This policy encourages individuals to put their name to any disclosures they make. Concerns expressed anonymously are much less powerful, but they will be considered at the discretion of the company.
If a member of staff has a concern about malpractice, they should normally first raise the issue with their immediate superior. This may be done orally or in writing.
If a member of staff feels unable to raise the matter with their immediate superior, for whatever reason, they should raise the matter with a Senior Manager.
If these channels have been followed and a member of staff still has concerns, or if the individual feels that the matter is so serious that they cannot discuss it with any of the above, they should raise the matter with the Managing Director.
Once a member of staff has raised their concern the company will look into it to assess initially what action should be taken in a responsible and appropriate manner under this policy. This will usually involve making internal enquiries first, but it may be necessary to carry out an investigation at a later stage which may be formal or informal depending on the nature of the concern raised.
The company will tell the individual who is handling the matter, how they can contact them and whether their further assistance may be needed. As far as possible, the company will keep the individual informed of the decisions taken and the outcome of any enquiries and investigations carried out. However, the company will not be able to inform the individual of any matters which would infringe the duty of confidentiality owed to others.
It is intended that this policy should be used to give members of staff the opportunity and protection they need to raise their concerns internally. However, in exceptional circumstances, if an individual feels they cannot raise their concerns internally and they honestly and reasonably believe the information and any allegations are true, they should consider raising the matter with the appropriate regulator.
The Whistleblowing number is +27609110823